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Home Learning

Below is a weekly plan of home learning and all the documents to support the learning. Within the plan there are links to videos on Youtube of us teaching to support your child. In addition to the plan we will also be setting different activities and work on Purple Mash. If you're not sure how to log onto Purple Mash watch this video and ring the school office or contact your child's class teacher for your child's log in.  Please email any work you complete to your child's class teacher or hand it in via Purple Mash. 

Class emails are - 

Miss Ford-

Miss Bilic-

Miss McGrath -

These are some extra apps or websites that your child might find useful to support their learning- 

Spelling App – Loo Write Cover Check A fun interactive game to help children improve their spelling.

Reading App – Big Cat Collins A great app that allows children to read and be read to.

Reading Website - Oxford Owl has lots of free e-books for children of different ages.

Maths Website -  ‘Hit The Button’ is a great quick fire game to practice different number skills such as number bonds, doubles/halves and even times tables.

BBC Bitesize Maths  Lots of fantastic interactive games and video clips to help with lots of areas of KS1 maths

BBC Bitesize English - A website full of fun games and short videos to help with spelling, handwriting and grammar.

Oak Academy