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Walk in the local area

We went for a walk to Chapel End and compared how it was different to our walk in the woods.



Woodland walk

We enjoyed a walk in the deep, dark wood searching for clues to our next topic. We saw a mouse, a fox, an owl a snake and finally a Gruffalo! We enjoyed listening to the story, then did lots of super writing to describe the different characters from the story.  





We were very excited to see our butterflies hatch. They have now been safely released outside.




We had a special delivery of baby caterpillars before the holiday. Over the last few weeks the caterpillars have been busy eating the special food and have grown lots! They are now getting ready to make their cocoons, and we look forward to seeing what happens next!


Secret Garden

We began our topic by looking at different plants and seeds and discussing what things they needed to grow. We then had a go at being gardeners and planted cress seeds. We then wrote our own instructions to show what we did.  



Hoop Guy!

We enjoyed a hula-hoop session with Britain's Got Talent semi-finalist - Hoop Guy! He taught us lots of games and we had great fun!

World Book Day

It was brilliant to see all the children in their costumes and pyjamas for world book day. We spent the day doing lots of artwork about the story 'The Tiger who came to Tea' and made a super canvas to display in our school library.


We enjoyed a visit from the Wonderdome Mobile Planetarium. It was very exciting walking into the large dome. We had an interactive session where we had a closer look at the planets and stars in the night sky.

Starry Night Pictures

We looked at the work of the artist Vincent Van Gogh and then made our own spaced themed pictures using swirls and shapes. 




We had an exciting start to our new topic when we discovered some shiny objects outside. We thought that they might be from a rocket? We then received a letter from Spaceman Spencer telling us that it was his rocket that had crashed, and he asked us if we could help to design and make him a new one! 


We have been busy making cards, decorations and calendars. We had lots of fun watching the pantomime and enjoyed learning words and new songs when performing our concert - The Little Blue Star


The Little Red Hen

We have been doing lots of work about the story The Little Red Hen. We used a story map to re-tell the story and used our phonics to help us read and write words.


Let's Celebrate!

We have been learning about and taking part in different celebrations. We learnt about Guy Fawkes and enjoyed watching fireworks and drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows. We made our own rangoli and mehndi patterns when learning about Diwali - the festival of light. We also enjoyed having our own wedding and birthday party in school. 


Road Safety

We had a visit from Warwick the Bear who helped to teach us how to cross the road safely. 

Stop before the kerb

Look and listen for traffic

Hold hands with an adult

Walk across the road

Visit to the library

This week the children visited the library for the first time. They enjoyed looking at books with a friend and then listened carefully to a story. After half-term the children will be choosing a book to take home and share with their families.


Starting school 

The children in RDD have made a super start to school. They are enjoying exploring different activities and areas in the classroom and outside. As part of our topic, they have been learning some lovely nursery rhymes and doing lots of activities related to each rhyme.







Signs of Autumn

The children have been looking at signs of Autumn in class. They then used crayons to make wonderful leaf rubbing pictures, practised their painting skills to make acorn and leaf paintings and used real leaves and paper to create their own Autumn trees.