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How the app Works

Firstly, you will need to download the app from either the iTunes App Store , Google Play or Windows Store by clicking on the relevant buttons below or by loading up the app store on your phone and searching for ‘School News’.

Once you have located and downloaded the free app, launch the app and you will then be able to either click on the ‘Find my school’ button which uses the phones GPS to locate all the schools in the surrounding 20 miles, or you can type in the schools postcode and click on ‘Get my school’ button.

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You will then see a list of schools that use the app. Click on the school you wish to view news & events for.

You will then be able to click on the ‘News’ button to view all of the latest news items that have been added to the school(s) you have selected and also all of the upcoming calendar events by clicking on the ‘Events’ button.

Clicking on ‘My Schools’ will display a list of schools that you view news and events for. Clicking on one of the schools will the display the school address, telephone number and email address which you can click on to either phone or email the school directly from the app.

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Page 2

  • Year Two Technology Afternoon

    Published 29/09/17

    What a great afternoon we all had coding and computing!

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  • Year 2 Leavers Assembly

    Published 20/07/17

    A wonderful send off for our graduating Year 2's!

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  • Year 2 Leavers Concert

    Published 12/07/17

    Year 2 were amazing in both the dress rehearsal to school children and staff and the real performance today to parents. They have worked so hard over the past few weeks to pick up their lines and work on their acting skills. Well done Year 2 we are so proud of how far you have come over the past three years - super stars!

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  • The drones have landed!

    Published 07/06/17

    Year Two had an exciting day programming drones!

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  • PTA Quiz Night

    Published 13/05/17

    A massive well done and thank you to our amazing PTA for organising a brilliant Quiz Night. Thank you to all the parents, children, families and staff who took part. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did! 😁 To see more photographs from our QUIZ NIGHT click HERE

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  • Food For Life Bronze Award

    Published 13/05/17

    We are very proud to announce that we are now officially a Soil Association Food for Life BRONZE Award School! πŸŽ–β­οΈπŸ†πŸ…To find out more about Food For Life click on the link 

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  • Our new dining experience!Β 

    Published 06/05/17

    As you may already know we have been making lots of changes to our dinner time, and we are excited to share our new dining experience with you all. The children now have 4 options daily, Red, Green, Jacket Potato or a Deli bag choice and all cooked meals are now served a modern plates rather than the old style flight trays. Each child has access to the salad bar and pudding station, each table is decorated with a flower arrangement and has bread, drinks and cutlery ready for children to select. As part of our development towards a Food For Life Bronze award, and in conjunction with our student council and Warwickshire County Council caterers , we feel the new lunchtime experience is providing a more positive and community lunchtime for all our children. Please look through some of the photos below and if you have time we would really appreciate some parent/carer feedback through a quick online survey. 😊 

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  • Red Nose Day 2017!

    Published 24/03/17

    The children all looked fantastic today in their bright red clothes to help raise money for red nose day. We watched and learned all about a little boy who had been supported by the charity Comic Relief. The children were really understanding and listened well to the information.

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  • Nathaniel Newton's Sponsored Read!

    Published 20/02/17

    Help our school get free books!

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  • Reception's Starry Night and Space Day

    Published 16/02/17

    Reception looked at the famous painting Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. We made our own representation of this painting and displayed them in our art gallery.

    Reception have been very busy learning about space. We especially enjoyed junk modelling with our grown ups!

    Click here to watch our videos.

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  • Year One Toy Museum

    Published 15/02/17

    Year One had a brilliant morning at their Toy Museum!

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  • Our Internet Buddies ! Β 

    Published 04/02/17

    We are excited to introduce our new Internet Buddies ! 

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