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New Intake 2020 Parent Information

Welcoming our new September 2020 Reception classes into school is unfortunately very different to previous years due to the current restrictions related to COVID-19.

Whilst many of the usual activities and events that we arrange to aid the transition of your children into school will not be able to take place, rest assured that behind the scenes, we are working extremely hard to ensure your child has a smooth and happy start to their school life.

The Head Teacher, Mrs Forshew, has created the video below to hopefully answer many of your questions relating to your child's start with us, school structure and procedures and how we endeavour to support parents as a school.

Should you have any questions for us, do not hesitate to get in touch, and check back at this page often, as we will be uploading further information and videos here, for you to share with your child.



Please watch our video to introduce you to our staff and have a tour of Reception and our school!