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Summer 2

Pirate fun!

We started our new topic 'Oh I do like to be beside the sea' by dressing up as pirates. We made telescopes, maps and Jolly Roger flags and enjoyed climbing the rigging and walking the plank!



Summer 1


We loved looking for different minibeasts. We found snails, ladybirds, worms, woodlouse and beetles.  


Fruit kebabs

After reading the story Handa's Surprise, we made our own fruit kebabs. We learnt how to use a knife safely to cut and slice different fruit. The kebabs were delicious!



We looked at different plants and seeds and what things they need to grow. We looked at the different parts of a plant and what jobs they do.

We then planted a sunflower seed and watched it grow!


Our butterflies finally hatched, and we were very happy to release them outside!

Ash End Farm

We had a super day visiting the farm. We saw lots of different animals and learnt the names of the males, females and babies. We had the chance to hold and stroke a chick and a python, as well as feeding the goats, ducks and sheep. 



We will be learning about life cycles this half term. Today our caterpillars arrived. They are very small. We look forward to watching them grow and change. 

Spring walk

As part of our new topic, we have been looking for signs of spring. We had a lovely walk around school and spotted bluebells, snowdrops, blossom and buds growing on the trees. 



Spring 2

Brushing our teeth!

We talked about the importance of looking after our teeth. You should brush your teeth for 2 minutes, morning and night and go to the dentist for a check up. We practised brushing our teeth, making sure we got the ones right at the back. 



Gruffalo crumble

Amy, our school cook helped us to make Gruffalo crumble. We followed the recipe carefully, it was delicious!




Our topic this half-term is called 'The Smartest Gruffalo on the Broom.' We have been looking at stories by Julia Donaldson, in particular The Gruffalo and The Smartest Giant in Town. We went for a walk to Hartshill Hayes to experience being in a wood and then compared this when walking through the busy streets of Hartshill. 



Chinese New Year - The year of the dragon

We enjoyed learning about how people celebrate Chinese New Year. We made lanterns and money envelopes, tried using chopsticks and practised writing in Chinese. We even got to try some Chinese food too!



Spring 1

We have been using our phonics to help read and write words and sentences. We are trying hard to form letters correctly and leave a space between words. 



In English, we have looked at the stories Whatever Next and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have used story maps and actions to help us re-tell the stories and have learnt lots of new vocabulary. 



This term we are learning about Space. We have been finding out facts about planets and astronauts and learnt that Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon! We have enjoyed learning songs and have been making lots of space art, creating our own planets by mixing different colours. 


Autumn 2

Let's Celebrate!

This half-term we will be learning about and joining in with different celebrations.


We have been very busy preparing for Christmas, making cards and decorations. We have been working hard on our Nativity and can wait for you to see our performance! 



We had a busy time preparing for our 'wedding' day. We made decorations, natural confetti and a super  wedding cake! We then had a ceremony, a buffet and lots of fun dancing!



We have been learning about how people celebrate Diwali - the festival of light. We made mehndi patterns, cards and used salt dough to make our own diva pots. 



Bonfire Night

Today we celebrated bonfire night. We learnt about Guy Fawkes, drew pictures and made models of fireworks and then finished the day with our own party. We sang songs around the bonfire, toasted marshmallows and then enjoyed a warm cup of hot chocolate and watched a firework display.



Autumn 1

Bus Trip

We enjoyed a trip on a real bus! We waited for the bus at the bus stop, got our tickets and had a ride to Nuneaton bus station and back. We entertained the driver, singing The Wheels on the bus!

We were very excited to spot places that we recognised, such as Asda, the library and the Ropewalk.


Balance Bikes

We are having daily balance bike sessions this week to develop and improve our balance and steering skills. We had lots of fun steering in and out of the cones and even learnt how to glide by lifting our feet up off the floor!


Once upon a rhyme

Our topic this half-term has been about different nursery rhymes. We have made collages of Humpty Dumpty, used our maths skills to create Incy Wincy Spiders with 8 legs and mixed colours to paint flames for London's Burning. 




We know how important it is to wash our hands properly and learnt a song to help us!

Under, over, round and through,

Don't forget to add soap too.

Clean, clean, clean and then you'll know,

Down the sink the germs will go.

Under, over, round and through,

Don't forget to dry them too!



Settling into school

We have settled really well into our new school and are quickly becoming familiar with routines. We are making new friends and enjoying exploring different activities in our learning environment.