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Summer 2

Gulliver's Land Theme Park

To celebrate our learning journey at Nathaniel Newton coming to an end, we went to Gulliver's Land Theme Park in Milton Keynes to have a day of fun with our teachers and friends.

Father's Day 

We welcomed some of the special men in our lives into the classroom to celebrate Father's Day. It was a fantastic afternoon spending time exploring different activities and making memories. 


This half - term our science topic is all about habitats, particularly microhabitats. To start our learning journey we have been exploring the school grounds to see what microhabitats we could find, what animals live there and why they are suitable environments for them to survive. 

Position and Direction

In our maths lessons we have been learning all about position and direction. We have used jelly babies and BeeBots to help us identify clockwise and anti - clockwise turns. 

We have enjoyed working with our 'Maths Buddy' to help us develop our use of positional language when giving directions. 

Summer 1 

Oceans and Islands

This half-term our topic is all about the oceans and islands of the world. To begin our learning journey we have explored the layers of the ocean! We were fascinated by some of the sea creatures that you can find at different depths in the ocean. We used our new knowledge of tints and shades to create different colours to represent the layers of the ocean, labelling each layer accurately. 

Ocean Pollution

As part of our topic, Foxes have been learning all about ocean pollution and the importance of recycling. We have thought carefully about how we can help and decided to recycle plastic bottle tops that we had in school. We used them to add detail to our artwork by creating a 3D shell on the back of our sea turtle. 


Our topic in PSHE this half-term is all about relationships. The children have been thinking about the recipe needed to make a happy home and also exploring the sense of touch. We have extended our learning further by discussing our circles of trust. 


Foxes have been working hard to identify how to measure length, volume and mass. We worked practically in our maths lessons to read scales to identify different measurements and compare using mathematical vocabulary. 

Foxes have been working hard to tell the time. We have been learning how to identify quarter past and to the hour. 


In our science lessons this half-term we are learning all about plants. We are keeping a blog about the growth of our pepper plants and have even found out all about pollination. We worked hard to explain what pollination means by using a bag of flour and pretending to be bees and flowers!

Rocket Mice

Foxes have been investigating the properties of different materials. We wanted to investigate which material would be most suitable for a 'Rocket Mouse'. We made mice out of paper, tissue paper, thick card and thin card to see which one would fly the highest! We all had lots of fun working scientifically!

Spring 2

'Eggciting' Easter Activities

Have a look at the amazing Easter Bonnet's that the Foxes have made. 


We also took part in the annual Nathaniel Newton Egg Rolling Competition! It was great fun!

World Book Day 2024

We have had a fantastic day in Foxes learning all about the book Somebody Swallowed Stanley. The children worked together to make an amazing canvas showcasing the different characters in the story. They used recyclable materials to create the seaweed, characters and ocean scene. 

The children came to school dressed as their favourite book character or in their pyjamas! Take a look at our costumes: 

They also shared stories with their friends linked to the theme of World Book Day this year!

Up, up and away!

Look at these amazing homework projects that the Foxes have completed this half-term!

All aboard Nathaniel Newton Airways!

Foxes have been on an adventure on Nathaniel Newton Airways to start our brand new topic.... Flight. The children followed safety briefings, had their passports checked and even experienced in-flight entertainment and snacks!

To find out about how flight has changed over time the children in Foxes class have been learning all about the invention of the hot air balloon and The Wright Flyer. To research and gather new information, we have explored historical sources and played the 'envelope game' collaboratively. 

Zones of Regulation

During the year Foxes have been learning all about the 'Zones of Regulation'. We have explored how we would feel in each of the zones and which zones we are in at different points during the day. This half term we are exploring calming activities, identifying when we would use the different items and what they would be useful for. 

Spring 1

The Great Fire of London

This half-term we are travelling back in time to the year 1666. To begin our topic, we made an amazing discovery in our school grounds... a time capsule from Samuel Pepys! We were inspired by the items in the time capsule and made our own bread and tasted lots of different cheeses.


As historians, we identified key facts and figures about what happened during September 1666! We played 'The Envelope Game' to retrieve information from historical sources to answer question about what happened and why. 

As scientists, we have been investigating all about habitats and how different animals adapt to live in different environments. Once we had gathered lots of new knowledge we created habitats for different animals. Mrs Evans was incredibly impressed with our collaboration skills when we worked together to make the habitats. 

Autumn 2


This half-term we are learning all about our local area. We have worked hard to identify the difference between a village, town and city, locating these on a map. To bring our topic to life, we have explored Hartshill, identifying human and physical features that are close to our school. 

We identified a variety of different human and physical features, including a farm, a lake, a train track and roads. 

The children in Foxes have also found out lots of information about the history of our school. They interviewed Mrs Forshew to ask her questions including:

- When was our school built? 

- What do the numbers on our school logo mean?

- Who is Nathaniel Newton? 

The Elves and the Shoemaker

The Foxes received a mystery box full of material. The children were challenged to work out who sent the box, what it contained and why we had it. By using our inference skills, we worked out that the material and tools in the box belonged to a poor shoemaker. 

The Foxes have looked at illustrations in the book to identify how the elves were feeling and the reactions of the shoemaker and his wife when they found beautiful pairs of shoes ready for them to sell. We have written fantastic expanded noun phrases and been working hard to write in the past tense using the 'ed' suffix. 

Autumn 1

Antarctica and Asia

This half-term we are learning all about the continents. Our focus is on the continents Antarctica and Asia. We have enjoyed finding out about these hot and cold places by working in groups and using iPads. Foxes have even been on a fact-finding treasure hunt to find out lots of information about China! 

The children enjoyed our very special day learning all about Asia. They tasted Chinese food, made lanterns and built a class version of The Great Wall of China.

Maths - Place Value

The children in Foxes have been working really hard to develop their understanding of numbers to 100. We have been using sentence stems to help us identify the value of digits. Some examples of these sentence stems are: 

There are 4 tens and 3 ones. The number is 43. 

The parts are 40 and 3. The whole is 43. 

We have used lots of different apparatus to support us with our learning when using the greater than, less than and equals symbols. 

Lost and Found

Our focus text for the first part of this term has been Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. We have been learning our model text off by heart using our class story map and actions. The children have been using ambitious vocabulary to describe the setting in the story! 


The children enjoyed learning all about pitch this half-term. We have used the song 'Hi Lo Chika' to develop our understanding of pitch and played the game 'Noisy Pictures', using our 'Pitch Pencils' to create a sound with high and low pitch.